Very pleased to have made the Edmonton Bestseller List for June 3, 2018 and grateful for these recent reviews of Summer of the Horse on Good Reads.
Interview on CBC’s North by Northwest
Here’s a link to a recent interview with Sheryl MacKay on CBC’s North by Northwest:
The Ormsby Review: Summer of the Horse
A review of Summer of the Horse in The Ormsby Review
From Fort Nelson to Victoria, Salt Spring Island, and Vancouver
Here are a few photos from my reading tour that started in Fort Nelson and ended down south:
May 5th, 2018 – Phoenix Theatre, Fort Nelson, BC
May 7th, 2018 – Bolen Books, Victoria, BC
May 8th, Salt Spring Island Public Library, Salt Spring Island, BC
May 9th, Book Warehouse on Main Street, Vancouver, BC
Summer of the Horse a Shelf Talkers Pick for April
Summer of the Horse is a Shelf Talkers Pick for April.
Book Talk
Here’s a link to a recent interview about Summer of the Horse with Peace FM.
Reader’s Digest May 2018 Issue – Condensed Version of Summer of the Horse
When I was a kid, the Western Producer and Reader’s Digest were our family’s mainstays. Today I picked up the May 2018 Issue of Reader’s Digest where a condensed version of Summer of the Horse is the Editors’ Choice. I’m looking forward to reading the issue – it will be a trip down memory lane.
Review in BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly
A big thank you to BC Studies for this review of Summer of the Horse.
Interview with CBC Daybreak North
The morning of the April 6th launch, Caroline de Ryk talked to me about Summer of the Horse on CBC’s Daybreak North. You can hear the interview (along with my head-cold voice) on the following podcast. My interview occurs at 38:17 in the program.
April 6th Launch was a Go!
We made it! My first, albeit rescheduled, launch of Summer of the Horse was a success. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the book. We sold out!